Aruba and now Vegas then on to home in Idaho

So we got back from the vacation we won to Aruba, back on April 5, and we have been sharing our vacation with you. In case you have missed our prior postings read more here:
Part one – See how our flights went, with our first view of the island
Part two – Learn about the locals, driving, and our first tourist adventure
Part three – how did we win this? Check it out, and see how our first sailboat ride went…
Part Four – Grocery shopping with out coupons in Aruba
Part Five – Sarah’s first snorkeling adventure
Part Six– The windy north side
Part seven – The windy north shore and the waves
Part eight – Thorns and Sushi
Part nine – Five days of island bliss

Well after leaving Aruba we had 2 six hour flights to get back to a delay in Las Vegas. So we hung out, and winded down to get ready for life back home. As soon as we landed and got our rental car we drove over to the History Channels show Pawn Stars. Sarah and I both love to watch that show.

Sarah and I both are not gamblers outside of the occasional bitcoin online casinos at home on the computer, so we never really wanted to go to Vegas. But since Sarah had never been to the Strip we drove through it. It was past midnight and of course it’s the city that never sleeps. There were people and even young kids and babies every where. Why some one would drag their kids around that town at such a late hour, we will never know. But all the lights were fun.

One thing that is sure true, is that The Strip sure is Sin City. I understand that Las Vegas is just a normal city, but the strip is a whole other world. So many naked or almost naked pictures every where. There were trucks that had huge billboards on them that drove around the strip and had images of poor girls that barely had a quarter size piece of fabric covering them. Such a shame and disgrace. I don’t know why anyone would ever want to take children there. I know some casinos are child friendly, but you would have to put blinders on them just to drive through town.

Anyways – the above picture is our view from our room. The hotel room was nice, but the trip to get up there wasn’t. The smoke was killer. Sarah is so sensitive to smoke and her throat started to close up. Mine, not so sensitive, even became very dry and sore.

But one of the fun things that i decide to do in Vegas was to rent a Mercedes. Sarah wasn’t impressed at all. She is a small town dairy farm girl, and fancy things like this was a waste to her. Luckily most of the rental was paid for by Hertz, due to left over certificates from our prize. So it made it a bit easier to handle. But the car was nice, fast, sun roof, leather, and lots of fun – for me…

We had to top it off and I had to break out the instruction manual. Sarah thought it was funny and took a picture of me.

Early in the morning before our flight, we headed back over to visit the Pawn Star shop. Their sign says 24 hr, but that doesn’t mean you can go in. At night they are closed, but people can come and pay their bills at all hours of the night. In the line waiting to get in, that was the talk of the day.

You know the show that has Rick, The old Man, Corey, and Chumlee. No the guys were not there that day. The security guard that sits in a chair at the front door was there, and we didn’t get a picture with him.

We clicked a few shots off of us in line. The shop is more of a tourist spot now then a pawn shop.

One thing Sarah spotted was a Troll doll. It was the smaller size ones, that was about 3 inches tall. Not sure if you can see the price tag on it. Yes it says $70.00, and no the hair isn’t gold strings. Not sure the story behind it, but it was very expensive. I think the shop had more souvenirs and gifts then actual pawn items.

Well another flight and we made it home. By this time we had just wanted to get home to our kids. We got home in the early afternoon, and the only kids home were the two young ones, Maleeya and Maveric. Their eyes lit up and ran over to us. With bunches of hugs and kisses – We were home!

Thanks for reading our vacation postings, and putting up with us and our travels! The vacation was well needed and we came home totally rejuevinated and ready to get back to our site. Just today we have made some business changes that will advance our social media sites. We want to be a part of your life and help you save money like we have.

Thanks for all of our readers, and stay tuned for some fun social media changes!

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