Brunch With YoCrunch ~ Thanks for a great event

brunch with yocrunch

A huge thank you to all the local readers that came to our Brunch With YoCrunch event at Other Mothers in Nampa this weekend.  If you want to know how to  make 100 yogurts and 200 cupcakes disappear just invite a few hungry kids over and they will do the trick.

First a huge thank you to YoCrunch and YoPa for providing the yogurt, PLUS giving each attendee a coupon for a Free 4 pack of Yogurt!  Free yogurt is always a good thing!

We had a lot of happy smiles, thanks to YoCrunch.  If you are not familiar with YoCrunch it is a smooth cream yogurt, but you get to “Mix In” at topping.  Everything from granola, cookies, Oreo’s  M&M’s and many others. The kids seem to really like the M&M ones, they were the first ones gone!  They loved to stir the M&M’s in and watch the colors turn their yogurt a rainbow of colors.

If you have not tried YoCrunch, it is “Lick Your Spoon” kind of good! With all the flavors to mix in there is a perfect fit for everyone!

I think YoCrunch just found the  perfect little boy for their next commercial.  He was happy as can be wearing his super hero shirt, sporting his frog hat and chowing down on some YoCrunch.  That is why kids rock, they do what makes them happy and do it with confidence.

After they enjoyed their yogurt, we did Easter Crafts, played in the boxing ring, gave away door prizes and had a cake walk.

But this was not just any cake walk, we were giving away Little Debbie  Chocolate Cupcakes.  That is right we were giving away smiles every time the music stopped.

We sure did unwrap a lot of SMILES!

We sure did have a lot of fun, we were silly, we laughed and had a great time.  Thanks again to Other Mothers in Nampa for hosting this event and our other sponsors  Little DebbieYoCrunchYoPa, Halmark, Game Center, Trident, Jamba, Monster High, Sizzler for providing prizes.

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