How to Potty Train Tips – And for Adult boys too

When you are trying to potty train little boys, you come up with so many different ways to remind them proper bathroom manners. Tricks like placing cereal in the toilet for the boys to pee on and try and sink to giving rewards like candy for going to the bathroom the right way. But what do you do for the boys as they get older? You can’t always run in and throw cereal in the toilet! At this age they can read,  and even then placing a little red target in the toilet will help remind even the “adult boys”. Also make sure they are washing their hands too on top of using the toilet the right, including putting the toilet lid back down!SODIAL- Toilet Seat Decal Wall Art Wallpaper Hanging Sticker 

 PUT ME DOWN Decal Bathroom Toilet Seat Vinyl Sticker Sign Reminder for Him (free glowindark switchplate decal)

HIT THE SPOT Decal BATHROOM TOILET Potty SEAT Boys Training Target (free glowindark switchplate decal)

WASH YOUR HANDS. USE SOAP. MOM Vinyl wall quotes stickers sayings home art decor… 

  • This item says: Wash your hands. Use soap. -Mom
  • Size: 22″x4″
  • Color: Black
  • Easy to apply to walls, doors, glass and other hard surfaces with application instructions
  • No paiting required and will not damage walls

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25 thoughts on “How to Potty Train Tips – And for Adult boys too”

  1. Nancy Huggins Peters

    It still amazes me that they cannot seem to ring that big ole hole there!! LOL

  2. Kathy Buschmann Munie

    Place it on the inside of the cover so the boys can’t miss it!

  3. Diana Bouter Carr

    If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie & wipe the seatie. .in our house

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