Mama’s Fudge ~ Christmas Treats

Ever since I can remember my mother made fudge.
This is the recipe she used EVERY year.
Since I have been on my own Christmas just is not Christmas for me without this tradition.

Over the years I have found it VERY helpful to get ALL of the ingredients ready to just pour in.

Butter 13×9 baking dish with about 1 Tablespoon of butter, set aside.

Take 3 cups granulated sugar,

3/4 cup butter,

and 2/3 cup evaporated milk

place in 6 quart sauce pan. Gently bring to a boil stirring as you go.

Once it starts to boil let it gently boil for 5 minutes and continue to gently stir.

Once it has boiled 5 minutes remove from heat and add

1 teaspoon vanilla

7 oz marshmallow creme

1 package semi-sweet chocolate chips (12 oz)

1 cup chopped nuts ~ optional (due to allergies in my home we leave these out).

Stir these items in until it is all combined.

Pour into reserved buttered 13×9 glass dish.

Chill over night in the refrigerator, then cut into bite size pieces.

In the past I have placed cut pieces in quart jars and either frozen or kept in the fridge.

I also add these to goodie plates that I deliver to people in my church.

Time: takes about 20 minutes
Yeilds: about 40 pieces from each batch
Calories: 162 per 1/40th of batch

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