Spring Break Activities, Crafts and Recipes For Kids ~ 15 Low Cost Ideas

My kids are really looking forward to SPRING BREAK, I love having them home…. but I hate it when they start to say, “Mom I’m Bored.”  Then the whining starts, and they start to argue, and they start to pick on each other and I feel overwhelmed and frustrated.  Oh wait, maybe just my kids do this…. if you have perfect children maybe you do not need this post (lol).  I have found if I have a schedule for them, and some fun activities it helps keep them happier!   Happier kids, lead to a happier Mom and creatives a good environment for making memories!

Below is a list of 15 recipes and crafts that your kids might enjoy making over Spring break!

Free spring break activities

Free printable road trip bingo

Make your own book

3D Salt Painting ~ Easy Crafts for Kids

Paper plate cat face craft

Trampoline sidewalk art 

Dirt and Worms Dessert Cups

Be a Backyard Detective

Color Collage ~ Fun summer activities

Boredom buster drawing activity

DIY Balloon Barrettes

Little Ladybug ~ Egg Carton Craft

DIY ~ bird feeder

Nature scavenger hunt

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