Each day we will be posting our readers “Pot of Gold”. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card For all the details click here.

March 2nd, 2011 at 3:54 pm · Edit
Have LOTS of them, but favorite to this day happened years ago when children were still babies, toddlers. I had some surgery. Not major, but still surgery. Thought I would be fine. Hubby went to work and by 9:00 a.m. I was toast. My dearest friend showed up at the door with her brood and said, “Can I take your kids for the day?” O can you! It was such a blessing. She left with our girls and I slept the entire day. The next day I was much better. She says it was such a little thing. I say it may have been little to her, HUGE to me!!

We spent a lot of time together supporting each other while our children grew. Neither of us had any family close by, so we filled in as family would. I hope everyone has a friend like this!

Amy B.

I am happy that I have a husband that can fix things…… saved our dishwasher that I thought was a gonner.

Keep your pot of gold moments coming!!! What are you grateful for?

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