Each day we will be posting our readers “Pot of Gold”. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card For all the details click here. So make sure you share your Daily Pot Of Gold for a chance to on this post here. 


Annette ~Good marriage – Warm house – three healthy kids- Friends and my faith. Little things are my pot of gold! I buy myself fresh flowers every two weeks. It makes me happy. Plus I’m not waiting around for someone else to buy them. Even if it’s a rough week financially. I’ll buy a carnation or something cheap, it’s still beautiful and reminds me there is beauty everywhere.

Lindsay W~ My pot of gold currently is a healthy body. My family has been sick for a month straight and I am really “sick” of it!

Danielle A ~Things have been pretty bad at home. I have a child with severe mental and emotional issues and I can tell you my pot of gold are my cat and dog. I know it sounds crazy. But they provide unconditional love. They always know when I am upset. They find me and climb into my lap for a few moments just make it all go away.

Yvone Scott Partin ~ I know most will say their children. However mine is my husband with out him their would be no little joys running through the house yelling Momma. Without Lance I would not be able to stay at home and take care of them. With out Lance I think there might not be me. I love Lance with all my heart. I love to wake up smooshed next to him sand whiched between our kids. i love the fact that he love me through my faults and weaknesses. I love the fact that he loves me back. Lance Partin is my Pot of gold!

Tammy Hale ~ My pot of gold …simply being over al healthy;)

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