Bag of Rice Project #353 -A visit to the Ukpong family

Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign
. In 2016 we started helping a young man named Ikechukwu from Nigeria. Summer of 2019 we were able to visit his family in Aba, Nigeria. While there we saw widespread poverty and lack of basic needs. We would like to invite you to help meet one of those basic needs, by providing
Nigerian families with rice. This gift will feed a large family for a few months, or a single person a year. It also reminds them they are loved, and brings most of them to tears… as a full bag of rice is one of the most generous gifts they will ever receive. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.

The Following story is about the Ukpong family, their bag of rice was donated in behalf of friends of the Blaisdell and Babbel Families this is the 353rd bag of rice our program has been able to give away thanks to generous donations.

We came across the Ukpong family at Ikot Oku. They live in a mud house with wooden doors and windows. We came across Mr William Akpan Ukpong who is the head of the household who has been terribly ill for a long time. His wife is a farmer who was absent while we visited. They has 6 children and 2 grand children. We met Mr Ukpong and his two grandchildren at home.

Front view of their home
Side view of their home

Mrs Emem is a very hard working farmer who takes care of the whole house including her sick husband. She had gone to the market to buy things for the family. Its not been easy for her an she has to take good care of the family as told to us by the village chief when he recommended the family to us. I don’t know how the family survives living in this house as their back door is clearly unhinged but this village seems very safe and they look out for each other. Most homes in Nigeria have iron bars on all the windows and doors, even solid walls and gates to prevent unwanted guests. Safety is not always something this poor village can afford.

Back of their home
Their kitchen for the family

Mr William and his 2 grandkids were the ones around to receive us when we visited them. They were very happy to receive their bag of Rice and Mr William was tender and tearful and he was very grateful and thanked those who donated this bag of Rice to their family. He prayed for blessings on their families for this good deed done to them. We could tell how touched we was buy this gift, knowing the burden it would lift for his struggling family.

The Ukpong family

Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.

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