Bag of Rice Project #551 -A visit to Uduak family

Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign. In 2016 we started helping a young man named Ikechukwu from Nigeria. Summer of 2019 we were able to visit his family in Aba, Nigeria. While there we saw widespread poverty and lack of basic needs. We would like to invite you to help meet one of those basic needs, by providing Nigerian families with rice. This gift will feed a large family for a few months, or a single person a year. It also reminds them they are loved, and brings most of them to tears… as a full bag of rice is one of the most generous gifts they will ever receive. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.

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The following story is about the Uduak family. Their bag of rice was donated thanks to Consuelo Medero,  this is the 551st bag of rice our program has been able to give away thanks to generous donations.

The Uduak family resides in Afaha village in Akwa Ibom, which is domiciled in the southern part of Nigeria. When we got to the Uduak’s family, they were shocked. We got into the compound. The family stood up and received us and offered us water to drink, but we were already good. We told them what we brought for them, and the family was surprised. They did not believe their eyes. The family asked us if we were sent by the commissioner of the environment because he promised them palliative We told them a donor gave them a bag of rice. The Uduak family is blessed with eight kids out of these eight, only two are in school; a paucity of funds has made the remaining six not be in school, and one of the sons of the woman is an imbecile. They stay in a one-room apartment, and the house is built with blocks and is not yet plastered; the house is in its construction stage.

The Uduak family uses firewood to cook, but they are unable to get a cooker or a stove. The reason behind this is that they use firewood to cook, and it is harmful to their health, which can lead to untimely death. They would have preferred to use cooking gas and a stove, but they are not financially buoyant. The husband and wife are unemployed, and they are unable to feed the family properly.

The family expressed satisfaction. The Uduak family thanked the giver for brightening their day. They prayed that God would guard the donor, guide them to greatness, and shower them with love and grace every day of their lives. When we departed, the family was grinning and joyful.

Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.

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