Balance Training bikes for kids – huge savings

3Chicco Red Bullet Balance Training Bike

These new training bikes have no pedals and no training wheels. The kids can scoot right along with their legs with out having anything get in the way. Young children never even use the pedals anyways they are always pushing with their legs so wide and trying to drag their toes because the pedals are in the way again!

Using these new balance training bikes they learn balance quickly which helps them quickly advance to a “big kids” bike with no training wheels but this time they can use the pedals.

And right now it is on sale for as low as $40.46 and free shipping

Normally these bikes are between $90 and $110

Looking for More Online Deals?  Click here for more  THRIFTY DEALS. Please note that Amazon prices tend to change often so prices may be higher or lower without notice.

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