DIY Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

DIY Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

This DIY Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub will exfoliate your skin leaving it feeling so soft hydrated. This is a super easy recipe. So easy your kid could make it. Which is what my then 3rd grader did last year for a Mother’s Day gift for me. He did it at school and was so excited to make me something he knew I would use and like.

You really only need 2 ingredients. Plain ol’ white sugar and coconut oil. Make this extra nice and add your favorite essential oil.

The amounts you use depends on how much you want to make. A good ratio to go by is 1 part coconut oil to 3 parts sugar. For a small batch add a few drops of your favorite oil. I love a citrus or lavender oil, they both smell so good!

Put the sugar in a bowl and add the coconut oil. Coconut oil is a little different because it’s solid at room temp and then melts at a low temp. So as soon as you apply the scrub to your body it melts and becomes a great medium for the sugar scrub.

Stir the coconut oil and sugar until all the sugar is incorporated into the oil. It was a bit like mashed potatoes when fully mixed. Add a few drops of oil if you want and stir until mixed in.

Store it in an airtight container at room temp. You can store it by the sink for easy access to use on your hands or in the shower. I love using this on my legs and feet! We tried it using it on damp skin and on dry skin and both ways worked!

This makes a great gift for all your friends and family. And it’s an inexpensive idea if you want to make it for everyone around the holidays.

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