Here is a site where you fill out a form to receive more free baby items. Yes we have done this and it took me all of 4 minutes to do. I only clicked on the items that I was interested in. A lot of these sites have other forms or surveys for you to fill out that aren’t for babies or even children. For example on here I probably could of had my credit check by 5 different companies, or applied for free government grant money, or even got colon cleanse products for free. But I’m good in all of those areas. So we just choose the items we wanted, filled out the first form, and the remainder where all pre-filled out for us. We just needed to skip the forms that wanted a payment or trial then pay type offers. Right now I just didn’t want to deal with that. Some mom’s I know make alot of money though by paying the $14 bucks and getting a $50 gift card. But I will be recieveing a ton of samples in the mail in the next 3-4 weeks. I’ll keep you informed as to what I get.
Are you worried about getting spam when you sign up for free samples? Make sure you read my Freebies 101 post.