31 day quick clean

I have been so busy that I have let a lot of things go the last few months.  Which leads me to feel overwhelmed and sad that my house is not where I would like it to be.  When I look at  the HUGE list of things I would like to get done, I don’t want to even start… so instead I am going to tackle one thing at a time and give myself a little extra time each day to get the extra chore done.  By the end of the month I should have my list completed!  Anyone want to join me on the 31 days to a clean fresh start in 2013 challenge?

Day 1 ~ Clean out my dresser and get rid of any clothes I have not worn in the last year, and donate them to charity.

Day 2 ~ Organize the refrigerator and wash all the shelves and drawers inside.

Day 3 ~ Clean the hall closet, sort shoes, coats and jackets and donate any that no longer fit.

Day 4 ~ Clean out the linen closet, match the sheet sets then fold them and store them in the matching pillow case.

Day 5 ~ Clean my desk, file cabinet and file away all the papers for 2012

Day 6 ~ Since today is Sunday and I try to keep cleaning and extra tasks to a minimum my goal today is to make a journal entry, and send out some thank you card that are past due.

Day 7 ~ Clean underneath my stove and refrigerator…been awhile  so I am sure I have some fuzzy friends waiting for the steam mop to say hello!

Day 8 ~ Wash and clean all the mirrors in the house (add a few windows if time allows)

Day 9 ~ Wash the baseboards and molding around the doors, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers make this job much easier.

Day 10 ~ Wash all the doors and door knobs, if need touch them up with paint.

Day 11 ~  Take down the curtains in the house and wash them, wash the windows they were on.

Day 12 ~ Steam mom the kitchen floor and put a clear coat sealant on the hardwood floors.

Day 13 ~ Since today is Sunday and I try to keep cleaning and extra tasks to a minimum my goal today is to make cookies with the kids and bring them to our elderly neighbor next door.

Day 14 ~ Clean my window blinds…. so many tiny wooded boards to clean LOL 

Day 15 ~ Take the covers of my couch and wash them.  The ones that do not have covers “give them a good scrub down”

Day 16 ~ Wash all the light switches, door knobs and closet  doors in the house.  I was noticing mine are looking a little dingy thanks to little fingers 

Day 17~ Clean all the garbage cans, I know it seems like an oxymoron but man they are getting rather dirty and need a good scrub down

Day 18~ Sort and stack my kids bookshelf

Day 19 ~ Take all my recycling to the recycling center

Day 20 ~Since today is Sunday and I try to keep cleaning and extra tasks to a minimum my goal today is to try a new recipe from the stack of “TRY THESE RECIPES I have piled up” it will get at least one more off the pile LOL.

Day 21 ~ Vacuum the stairs and wash the hand rail

Day 22 ~ Clean my oven (it has a self clean but it still needs a good scrubbing)

Day 23~ Wash/Scrub the bottom of the table and the bottom of my chairs.  Just noticed my kids have been “finger painting” at dinner time with all kinds of random stuff, smeared peas, BBQ sauce…. gross.

Day 24 ~ Clean out  and organize the bathroom cabinets

Day 25~ Touch up my walls and base boards with paint.

Day 26 ~ Clean my girls bedroom closet (it is a scary job but someone has to do

Day 27 ~ Since today is Sunday and I try to keep cleaning and extra tasks to a minimum my goal today is to play board games with my kids and snuggle up and read them a book.

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