Horizon money maker at Target

Thanks to Bargain Blessings for passing along this thrifty deal!

Target has these Organic Horizon Little Blends on a price cut of $1.50 through Monday, February 22nd. Here is an awesome rolling scenario for you:

Buy 1 Horizon Natural Little Blends Yogurt for $1.50

  • use the $1 IP HERE (after you register)
  • =.50

After we did this first transaction last night, we got a $1 Target Store Catalina (printed out at the register). There is also a .75 or $1 coupon inside the package! Here is what the second transcation looks like:

Buy 1 Horizon Natural Little Blends Yogurt for $1.50

  • use the $1 IP HERE or $1 from inside package
  • -$1 Target Store Catalina
  • =.50 Money Maker! Make sure to give the store coupon last and to purchase something else to cover the overage!

You should then get another $1 Target Store Catalina and there will be another .75 or $1 coupon inside the package….wash, rinse and repeat!

This sale only includes select flavors, so make sure to check the tags and scan it at the price checker. Also, Catalinas can be regional, so make sure to report back if the $1 Catalina is printing in your area. Even without the Store Catalina, .50 is an amazing deal as these sell for over $4 each in the grocery store!
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