Kindness Ticket Family Activity

Kindness Ticket Family Activity

Hey all, it’s Katie. Have you ever been so sick and tired with your kids picking at each other and arguing? A while ago I was getting so frustrated by it all. The kids were being a bit wild and it seemed like there was a general pallor of negativity in our home. So we did this Kindness Ticket Family Activity.

This is a great activity to do to talk about showing love to each other, to hopefully help bring more peace and happiness to your family.

I made these simple Kindness Begins with Me tickets. I cut them up and gave everybody one. The idea is that they do something nice for someone else and then leave the ticket where they did the nice thing. I put the rest in an old ipsy bag I had and left it in the living room. We did the first tickets right away. Everybody stood up and found something nice to do for someone else all at the same time. The rest were done later throughout the week and they loved getting a ticket and being sneaky about leaving where they did the nice thing.

Click below to print the kindness tickets for FREE!

After a week or so we sat down again and talked about how much happier we are when we are being kind and doing service for others. We are far from perfect but I think this simple activity was really helpful for our family.
I hope you and your family try it too! If you, do let us know how it went 🙂

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