- – The Idaho Statesman (1) 7-day subscription (4) Sunday Only subscriptions For a total of 5 Sunday papers ( those are the ones with with coupons in them) All home delivered for a total of 5 Sunday papers for only $17.55 per month (4 weeks) PLUS TAX which is $4.39 for a paper every day plus 5 on Sunday. News stand price for one Sunday paper is $2.00 so this is a fantastic deal home delivered.
- – Idaho Press Tribune Idaho Press Tribune : For only $14 per month, couponers will receive 5 Sunday papers and plus you will get the daily paper on Monday through Saturday. Makes it only $.32 a paper! This fantastic deal lasts for 6 months. To sign up, you can call Greg Roesberry at 870-2784.
- – The Idaho State JournalYou are signing up for a month-to-month subscripton to The Idaho State Journal. This newspaper is available ifor delivery to the cities in South Eastern ID: Pocatello, Malad, Preston, ect.
- – The Salt Lake Tribune – Deseret News You are signing up for a 52 week subscription to The Salt Lake Tribune or Deseret Morning News. You can subscribe to only 2 Salt Lake Tribunes and 2 Deseret Morning News for a total delivery of 4 Sunday papers. Each subscription is $50 and you’ll receive a $6 gift card to Target, Smiths or Wal Mart for each new subscription.
- – The Herald Journal You are signing up for a month-to-month subscription to The Herald Journal. The newspaper is available in Cache and Box Elder counties. –The subscription is on easy pay, the first two months billed up front, which then turns into a month to month subscription.
- – The Standard Examiner You are signing up for a month-to-month subscription to The Standard Examiner. This newspaper is available in Box Elder, Weber, Morgan and Davis counties
- – Orange County Register You are signing up for a 52 week subscription to The Orange County Register Sunday paper. If you are a CURRENT subscriber, you can add up to four more Sunday only papers for $12 each for the year (that’s just .23 a Sunday per Sunday paper!!). If you are a NEW subscriber, your first subscription will be $12 for 52 weeks and then you can add additional Sunday only papers for $12 each for the 52 weeks. You will receive the SmartSource, Red Plum, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers
- – ALL the LANG newspapers have the same offer You are signing up for a 52 week Sunday subscription for ONE of the LANG papers listed above that delivers to your LA County zip code. If you are a NEW subscriber, your first subscription will be $26 for 52 weeks and then you can add additional Sunday papers for $26 each for 52 weeks (that’s just .50 a Sunday per Sunday paper!!). If you are a CURRENT subscriber, you can add up to four more Sunday only papers for $26 each for 52 weeks. You will receive the SmartSource, Red Plum, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers
- Torrance Daily Breeze (South Bay area north to Santa Monica, but not Santa Monica) See above
- Long Beach Press Telegram (Long Beach, Lakewood, everything north of OC line) See above
- Los Angeles Daily News (San Fernando Valley and North Hollywood area) See above
- Whittier Daily News See above
- Pasadena Star-News See above
- San Gabriel Valley Tribune See above
- San Bernardino Sun See above
- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin See above (Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga)
- Redlands Daily Facts See above –
- San Diego Union Tribune You are signing up for a 20 week subscription to the San Diego Union Tribune Sunday paper. If you are a NEW subscriber, your first subscription will be $20 for 20 weeks and then you can add additional Sunday only papers for $10 each for the 20 weeks. If you are a CURRENT subscriber, you can add up to four more Sunday only papers for $10 each for the 20 week subscription (that’s only .50 per paper!). You will receive the SmartSource, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers –
- Press Enterprise You are signing up for a 52 week (one year) subscription to The Press Enterprise. Each Sunday paper you purchase will cost $26 for the year! That’s only .50 per paper! You will receive the SmartSource, Red Plum, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers
- – Sacramento Bee You are signing up for a 6 month (26 week) subscription for the Sunday paper. Each Sunday only paper will cost $19.99 each, or .77 per week! If you choose all 5 papers, your total will be $99.95. If you already have a subscription, that’s great! You can add up to 4 additional Sunday papers to your existing subscription for only $19.99 for each paper. When it’s time for you to renew your papers, you will receive an invoice in the mail from the Sacramento Bee.
- – Modesto Bee You are signing up for a 52 week subscription to The Modesto Bee Sunday paper. If you are a NEW subscriber, your first subscription will be $32.99 for 52 weeks and then you can add additional Sunday only papers for the same rate. If you are a CURRENT subscriber, you can add up to four more Sunday only papers to your existing subscription for $32.99 each for the year (that’s just .44 a Sunday per Sunday paper!!). You will receive the SmartSource, Red Plum, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers –
- Fresno BeeYou are signing up for a 52 week subscription to The Fresno Bee Sunday paper. If you are a CURRENT subscriber, you can add up to four more Sunday only papers (for a max total of 5 per household). If you are a NEW subscriber, you can have up to 5 papers delivered. If you are ordering ONE or TWO papers, your rate would be $28.64 per paper. If you are ordering THREE, FOUR or FIVE papers, your rate would be only $20 per Sunday paper for 52 weeks. To receive the $20 rate, you must order 3 or more papers at one time. Individual papers added at a later date would have a rate of $28.64. You will receive the SmartSource, Red Plum, AND Proctor & Gamble inserts in your newspapers
- – Las Vegas Review-Journal You are signing up for a 6 month (26 week) subscription for the Sunday paper. You must first select one option for Subscription #1. Then you may up to 7 more additional Sunday papers to that first subscription. For example, if you do not already have a subscription, your first subscription will be a daily paper (Mon-Sun) and will cost $37, or $1.42 per week. After that, each additional Sunday only paper will cost $20 each, or .77 per week. If you choose all 8 papers, your total will be $177.00. If you already have a subscription, that’s great! You can add up to 7 additional Sunday papers to your existing subscription for only $20 for each paper.