Squash, squash and more squash ~ Garden Update

garden produce

Our garden had a little bit of a slow start this year, but it is in FULL swing now. We are enjoying fresh tomatoes everyday, a few strawberries (we have a  grey bunny that showed up out of no where and keeps eating all the berries 🙁 )  We also have more squash than we know what to do with… So if you come to my door please know you will be sent home with a few squash weather you like it or not.  Mean while I am baking muffins and breads with the rest of them.

This year our broccoli was a total flop,it only had little tiny heads and it went right to seed.  Last year we were able to harvest HUGE heads of broccoli throughout the summer.  Oh well there is always next year. I think we should have cucumbers, pepers and green bean by next week….oh and more squash 🙂

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