Super easy DIY square scarf

Ever wonder how you can make those cute square scarfs that every one is wearing? Why pay the $20 bucks for some store bought one when you can make one for under $5 bucks? Our friend over at Living Life and Loving Every Second figured out a easy way to make your own and she is sharing it with us! It’s so easy!

Make your own square scarf
Photo credit: Living Life and Loving every Second

Materials Needed to make your own square scarf:
1. Iron
2. Light Fabric of your choice but make sure it is double sided
3. Heat n’ Bond hem tape
4. Scissors
5. Pom Pom Trim
6. Fabric Glue

I am not even going to do a picture tutorial on this one because it is so easy a child can do it! First you want to take the fabric lay it on a flat surface then with a yard stick measure a square 40″x 40″. After that get your iron and hem tape and hem all four sides….YOUR ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take your trim and fabric glue and I used my fingers to put the glue then press the trim and YOU ARE DONE.( I put trim on only two sides)

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