Win a prize every 10 minutes ~ 6/22 Save Lives Save Money

So how many of you plan to come party with us this Friday 6/22?   To keep the “party going” we are going to be giving away small prizes ALL DAY !  We have 32 prizes to giveaway in 4 hours so every hour we will give away 8 prize packages you will need to be present to win these.

We also have over 50 vendors coming. Each will be giving away a $50+ raffle item. Winners will be picked live at the end of the day.  As well as other prizes that (you do not need to be present to win) such as a Kitchen Aid mixer, Kindle Fire, Professional Teeth Whitening and more…. more details on those prizes tomorrow.

Want to know how to WIN  these prizes(all day prize, vendor prizes)?  Win them by entering your raffle tickets to win.

Raffle tickets can be earned in 4 ways:

  1. Blood drive donor/presenter(if you tried but were turned down) = 10 free raffle tickets
  2. Be the Match donor sign up = 10 free raffle tickets
  3. Food Drive donation =  2 raffle tickets  for each pound of food you donate (make ‘em heavy)
  4. OR raffle tickets can be purchased for $1 each

Jamba Juice Swag  hats, jackets, shirts, wrist bands, chap stick, water bottles and coupons! Thanks to Jamba Juice for donating these!

$20 Walgreens Gift Card Thanks to Walgreens 10th and Ustick for donating this

Scentsy $50 Gift Package ~Heart felt full sized warmer and 3 scent packs. Thanks to Casie Stevenson for donating these!

De WafelbakkersPancakes gift packs, year worth of pancake coupons  t-shirts, bag holders, yo yo’s and insulated tote. Thanks to De Wafelbakkers for donating these!

Tempurpedic Sleep Mask

Glade Gift package

Brawny apron

Centrum Vitamin prize package

Taylor Swift Got Milk tote

Dave Ramsey prize pack

Jon Acuff Prize Package

Dr. Seuss The Lorax

GoGo Squeese packs

California Raisin  kitchen tools

Famous Footwear / Crocs gift package

 Pasta Prima Garden start, Chefs Hat and tote

Products of the Year tote FULL of Freebies worth over $150

Gerber Diaper Bag, Teddy Bear and Gerber Graduates

Cookbook Cooking with Crispbreads and Wasa Crackers

      V8 to go cup, Gaiam Yoga/Gym tote , Philosophy Raspberry bubble bath, Sephora  mirror, Essie nail polish,

 i-Rock Tool kit  and bag


Other things going on the day of the event….

 Bring your kids to play on these HUGE inflatable toys from Bouncin Bins... 4 1/2 hours of FREE fun for your kids.

Do not forget about the $.25 sale starting at 12:00 sharp and your printable coupon for 5 FREE Items.

Come get your Nails done and a Mini Manicure from the gals at Simply Stylin!

There will be over 50 vendors, each offering raffle items of $50 or more…. How do you get raffle tickets you ask? 4 ways to get raffle tickets:

  1. Blood drive donor/ presenter(if you tried but were turned down) = 10 raffle tickets
  2. Be the Match donor sign up = 10 raffle tickets
  3. Food Drive donation = raffle tickets 2 tickets per pound donated (make ‘em heavy)
  4. OR raffle tickets can be purchased for $1 each

Tell all of your friends …please share on Facebook, Twitter and email!

SAVE LIVES SAVE MONEY is on June 22 – Noon – 4:30 pm at Stevens Henager College in Nampa across from the Nampa Cost-Co click for Map.



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