Winner of the $25 Gift Card for Pot Of Gold post is…

Thanks to everyone who submitted their “Pot Of Gold” moments in the month of March. As promised one lucky person would be randomly selected to win a $25 Gift Card.

And the winner is…..

Melissa March 16, 2012 at 7:47 pm

My “pot of gold?” are my 2 kiddos, hubby and most importantly, My Savior Jesus Christ! This past year has been a trying year but with them, “all things are possible!” and now, our future looks bright!


Here are some of the other comments, hope they lift your spirits….

Sandy weinstein ~ my pot of gold are my 3 4-legged girls, evie, tressa and harley.

Gretchen H ~ today’s pot of gold: the internet

Angela Troxell  ~My pot of gold is my 10 year old son. He was diagnosed with PPD-NOS when he was 7 years old. it has been an amazing journey to watch my little guy grow up and to continue to overcome all his struggles. He has recently “graduated” from needing a theraputic support staff and has joined tae kwon do and has made many friends. Whenever I feel like life is getting to be too much, I just think about all the things my son has acheived and how he has fought everyday with a smile on his face, and I realize it’s really not that bad.

Gretchen H March ~Today’s pot of gold? My husband helped me clean the top of our 9 foot high bookcase so I didn’t have to climb the ladder. I hate ladders!

Gretchen H March  ~Today’s pot of gold. I received an email that I had won $100. Doesn’t put a dent in the cost of 5 windows that the neighborhood kids shot out (other than them we live in a nice neighborhood) or the hot water heater that started leaking two days ago or the mechanical issues w/ the garage door that started yesterday but it’s nice!

Lachelle ~ My pot of gold today is knowing that even though my grandma passed away I know she is in a better is place, free from the mortal limitations placed upon her in her mortal body. I know I will see her again. The peace I feel is another pot of gold. I know it is angels around us uplifting us up. I know it is the prayers of others, as well, asking that we feel peace and the love of our Heavenly Father. The Plan of Salvation is great knowledge to have, one of my many pots of gold.

Mara F. ~ My pot of gold is my husband of 32 yrs! He is AMAZING in every way!

Brooke ~My pot of gold is my 3 kids! They make me happier than all the gold in the world!

Amanda ~ Aside from the obvious answers, my pot of gold right now is the early spring, with the crocuses all blooming and many of the other bulbs and perennials poking through the earth. Spring is always a time of joy for me, a reminder that all will be made new one day.

Sandy w~ my pot of gold would be to have my mother’s trust completed, which i dont think i will ever have w/ all of the problems with the attys, co-trustee-who just quit, my siblings suing me (they sued my mother abt 5/6 times in the last 10 yrs of her life), sell or get rid of a storage room of clothes, furniture, etc. from my mother, and sell my house and move to a different state to get away from my siblings. however, i am grateful everyday for my 3 4 legged girls.

Tamma ~ My pot of gold comes in the form of a neuro stimulator. My husband has had 3 back surgeries and tremendous back pain. I learned of Pain Management, talked to them and ask if Ray would be a good candidate for the stimulator. Last week, they put on a trial for 3 days. It allowed him to get out of bed and have dinner with me. He is approved for the permanent one to be implanted next week!!!

Keri ~My pot of Gold in for sure my family Every single one of them!

Marley ~today, my pot of gold is my healthy family and healthy pets….so grateful for this blessing!

Robin ~ well my pot of gold is that im still here. in 2005 i was diagnosed with emphesema gold stage 4 and was told life expectancy is 4 yrs, its 2012 im still here,god has blessed me with strenghth to be here and with my family great drs and meds so im blessed everyday i wake up!

Melissa ~ So many pots of gold. I have much to be thankful for! One thing that stands out is that I have been able to stay home with kids or just work part time for 12 years. I’ve carefully budgeted money, and I’m thankful to have spent lots of time with my family when others have had to work.

Elizabeth ~ I am so thankfull for my men! I have 3 boys (well 4 with my husbad) I work full time and am away from home all day! but when I finally get home and hear the sweet sound of “MOMS HOME” and get greeted at the door with hugs and kisses, well,,,, life is good.

Debbie ~My Pot of Gold is my husband , who keeps me sane!

Crystal ~ My “Pot of Gold” is being comfortable with who I am, where I am in life and the direction that I am heading.

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