Lego Goodie Bags – Halloween Treats That Aren’t Candy!
Did you know that you can order Legos by the color? It’s true! Makes it perfect for today’s craft project. These little goodie bags are great for trick or treaters, a fun surprise for the kids in your life, or give them to your kids’ class as a fun alternative to candy at the class party!
You will need
Legos in choice of color (you need about 25 per bag)
Here you can find the white for the ghost, the red for the candy apple and the orange for the jack o lantern. I used a variety of sizes, but these will get you the basic 2×4 bricks.
bakers twine or yarn
sucker sticks for the candy apple
Begin by drawing your face on your baggies for your ghost or jack o lantern with a black sharpie.
Fill up your baggies with legos. If you are doing the candy apple, you will want to stick your sucker stick into the open end of the bag, and tie off the top of the bag with your twine or yarn. If you want to add a leaf to your candy apple or jack o lantern, cut a leaf shape out of green paper and tie it onto your twine before you tie the twine onto the bag.
Now you have a perfect little surprise for the ghouls and goblins in your life! Why not give them something they will love, will last more than a moment and that they will remember every time they play with it?
Candy Apple
Jack o Lantern
Who could afford to give away Legos
Dawn Coker
Fun and easy