1/2 a Hot Dog Bun = A Perfect Mini Slider Bun ~ Money Saving Idea

mini sliders bun, money saving tip

The other day I sent Matt to the store to get some hamburger buns for dinner.  When he came home he handed me the bag, I looked inside to find hot dog buns…. confused I thought for sure he must have bought them by mistake.  When I questioned him he told me that yes he knew we were having hamburgers and he thought these would make great mini slider buns.  Being that our kids are still little and never seem to eat a whole burger this is a brilliant idea!   A simple idea to reduce  food waste.  Plus they were a perfect fit for their little hands.  I was surprised to see how well they worked!

Now some of you girls like flowers, or cards… Me on the other hand I am all about saving money and keeping it simple.  When my cute hubby came up with this simple money saving idea (all on his own) and then cooked dinner for the kids.  Well lets just say he spoke my “ Love Language” some princes ride a white horse… mine makes money saving meals 🙂 (LOL)  Ain’t these just the cutest little burgers you have ever seen!

You can get 16 mini slider buns out of one standard bag of 8 count Hot Dog Buns.  Normal cost for buns is $.89-$1.99 a bag… so that makes each little slider bun low as $.05 each!!!

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