Attention – PLEASE READ

We love our readers when they tell us how much they save when they follow our site. But we have bad news… not by our doing but by Facebook’s doing. There have been changes – again – to how Facebook shares what people say to others who have already “Liked” them.

For example – Many of you – over 61,000 of you follow us on Facebook. That way you can stay on top of the hottest deals by an update on your Facebook news feed. When we post something like – Free Hot Products on our A Thrifty Mom Facebook page, all of you can see the post on your phone, or tablet or computer, while you are out and about, or chatting with friends. And you can click the link on Facebook and go straight to the deal on our site!

BUT – Since Facebook has switched things up – again – Many of you are not seeing our updates to hot deals and coupons through Facebook. Why—- well that’s the change. Facebook has restricted how many of you can “see” our post on our page published into your news feed. Why you ask is Facebook restricting things? Because they are out to make more money from page owners. Now they want us to “promote” our page updates, by paying a fee to allow more of our followers who have already “Liked” us to see our updates. And no it’s not cheap!

The normal “charge” they want us to pay to reach only 55,000 of our 61,000 fans is $300 per update. And since we post about 20 deals a day on to our Facebook page that would cost us $6000.00 per day to allow about 90% of our fans to view our content. SOOOO NO we are not made of money – we struggle just like many of you.

So how do we fight back? An easy way to make sure you never miss out on another hot deal is to manually “allow” our updates to appear on your news feed.

Here’s how to fix that problem:

Go to A Thrifty Mom on Facebook Here

Hover over the “Liked” button see below:

Then a pop up box will appear that looks like the image below. When that pops up make sure there is a CHECK MARK next to SHOW IN NEWS FEED


Please help us share our upcoming hot deals, giveaways, coupons, and funny thoughts our kids say and so much more. You never want to loose out on free deals! Thank you to all of our loyal followers on Facebook – Over 61,000 and growing fast!

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