Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Tenderloin ~ The best pork recipes EVER!!!

Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Tenderloin ~ The best pork recipes EVER!!!

Pork has not always been my favorite, it can be amazing…. or like shoe leather all depending on how you cook it.  I have made my share of shoe leather…lol.  But I have learned the cut of meat you buy makes a HUGE difference.  My favorite cut BY FAR is the Pork Tenderloin it is simply amazing.  If you want a juicy, flavorful, but tender (I mean so tender you can cut it with a fork)  you have to try it.  It cooks rather quick as well, 1 pound only takes 25 minutes in a 425 degree oven.

Matt’s Mom made a stuffed tenderloin this summer and I think it may have been the best thing I have ever tasted! Best part  is it is  easy to make… and looks all fancy when you serve it up too. (Sorry my photos are not too great, I was trying to multitask and photos got the short end of the stick).  Start out by cutting the loin down the center and laying it open.

Prepare a boxed stuffing mix (per box directions).  I lay it on top of some plastic wrap, that way I can “squish” it into a log before I place it on top the pork. It also makes it easier to move. Wrap the loin around the stuffing  and seal the edges with toothpicks or metal food pins.  Make sure you leave part of  the hook out so you can take it out before serving.

Then take 4 strips of bacon and wrap the whole thing.  Place on a baking sheet and cook at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes per pound, or till a meat thermometer reads 170 degrees.  Allow meat to rest for 10 minutes before cutting (do not forget to take out the toothpicks or pins).  Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family does.

Below is a slight variation on the recipe above. I used a larger cut of meat, a sirloin pork roast.  I wrapped it in bacon but some of it popped off when it cooked I did not want to put the stuffing side down and have it get soggy in all the juices. Since it was a large cut of meat it created more juices so I cooked it in a glass pan with larger sides so it would not spill all over my oven, I also added some red skin potatoes along the side for a fast and easy side dish.

1 thought on “Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Tenderloin ~ The best pork recipes EVER!!!”

  1. Julie Wigley Groothand

    I’ve made this but before but my recipe you add a layer of cranberry sauce w/berries then put the stuffing on top of that !!! Yum yum

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