best winter boots for cold weather

Best winter snow boot for cold and extreme winter weather

Best winter snow boot for cold and extreme winter weather

In December of 2016, my hubby, the one on the left with the two arrows pointing at his feet, decided to go on a snow mobile trip into Yellowstone National Park with his brother. They planned it weeks in advance and as the date came closer it turned out to be one of the snowiest winters on record for our area and the coldest they have ever done tours into Yellowstone by the company who they went through. The night before as they drove the 6 hours to West Yellowstone it was snowing the entire trip and flights were canceled in Salt Lake City where his brother was flying into because they couldn’t get a connecting flight into Idaho Falls due to the blizzard.  That next morning it was -38F actual temp at 8:30 AM. An hour later it was still just as cold. The tour company actually delayed the departure into the park due to safety! The search and rescue teams wont even enter the park if something were to happen until it was warmer then -20F due to the diesel engines not starting. Yeah these boys are crazy!

Planning for the trip

Earlier while planning for the trip my husband bought these Sorel Winter Snow Boots. They are rated down to -40F. And he put them to the test! With actual temps at -38F and the wind chill while riding out in the cold at -72F these boots were amazing! His feet never got cold at all!

The Sorel Winter Snow Boot is the best in my opinion! 

Wore the best winter snow boot all winter

Then he wore them all winter! We had record snow fall here in Idaho that was more then they have ever had on record! He wore them shoveling snow, raking snow off roofs around the neighborhood, and then wore them in the thaw to chip out the drains and gutters on our street to keep the neighborhood from flooding! They never got wet while he walked in the ice cold water draining down the street.

If you are looking for a the best winter snow boot around these Sorel Winter Snow Boot are the best!

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