Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $86.37
I was able to get it all for $8.88
To view the full Albertsons match up click here.
- Bought 15 boxes of cereal normally $4.99 on sale for $1.99 when you buy 5 ( they are the BIG box which makes this deal even better)
- 4 McCormick Grill mates normally $2.09 on sale for $1.00
- 2 donuts $.79 free with summer savings game cards
- used my preferred card
- Paid with 4 $1.00 McCormick coupons
- Paid with 3 $5.00 off 5 coupons
- Paid with a $5 and a $3 catalina coupons from prior transactions
- Final price $6.85 plus $2.03 tax= $8.88
Weber Seasoning Marinade Mix $.89
- use the $1/1 Weber Seasoning 6/26/2011 Smart source Insert (exp 8/31/2011) says ANY on coupon so it should work
- Final price FREE
Kellogg’s Promo buy 5 in a single transaction and get them for $1.99 each ($2.49 if bought individual)
- Frosted Flakes 17 oz
- Rice Krispies $12oz
- Froot Loops 12.2 oz
- Rice Krispies Treats 8ct
- Nutri-Grain Bars 8-10 ct Fruit Snacks 8-9 oz
- Cinnabon Bars 6ct or Keebler Granola Fudge Bars 7.4 oz $1.99
- use the $5.00 off or $.75 off coupon
- Final price low as $.99 each!!!!!