DIY Flower Pencil ~ Money Saving Craft for kids

DIY Pencil Flowers ~ by Tiffany
Here’s an inexpensive craft that you can do with your kiddos. I bought everything you need to make these pencils at the dollar store. I saw sunflower pencils at a craft fair a few years ago. Very simple, with a sunflower and green stem wrapped around the pencil. They looked easy enough and it gave me an idea back then. I wanted to make flower pencils with some spunkiness by adding lots of colors. Who says a flower has to have a green stem, right? Or who says you can’t mix different color petals together for the fun of it?! That’s what makes these fun. Kids aren’t afraid of bright colors, my kids bring out the “Rainbow Brite” in me when it comes to crafts. If you need a little inspiration with color, call the kiddos, they’ll know just what to do. 🙂  Wouldn’t these make a cute party favor? I was thinking about tying one with ribbon around a diary for a young girl as a gift. Or you could surprise your little girl by putting one in her back pack with a special note tied to it. For the adults in your life you could switch out the pencil for a pen. I love mine. I feel all cutesy when I write with it. I’m all “Girly girl” what can I say. 🙂

Supplies needed:

  • Pencils or pens (try and find colored or printed ones for a spunkier flower)
  • beads (variety of colors)
  • flowers (your choice and your color)
  • pipe cleaners, variety of colors
Directions, Remove the middle of the flower, separate petals.
Stack desired colored petals on top of each other (about 4-5).
String the colored bead of your choice onto one of the pipe cleaners.
Then push the pipe cleaner through the middle part of the flower.
Wind the shorter end of the pipe cleaner around the longer end to secure.
Next, wind the rest of the pipe cleaner down around your pencil or pen.

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