Gel Nail Polish at Simply Stylin ~ My New Favorite Thing

So I am not your classic “girly girl”  sure I like to look nice, but I was also raised on a farm and taught to be very practical.  As most girls I  like my nails to be painted BUT I never paint them… why you ask?  Because it seems to last about 2 days then it starts to peel, chip and look gross.  I do not have time to paint my nails every 2 days so instead I just NEVER paint my nails.

I was getting my hair cut at Simply Stylin in Caldwell   and they invited me to get Gel Polish done.  They assured me that it would change the way I felt about polish and that I would love it.  I wanted to believe them but had a hard time believing that  any polish would stay  “perfect”.  This is not your standard polish they  set the polish with a blue light and it turns hard and WILL NOT chip.

I have now had my Gel Polish on for 3 weeks and it still looks good as the first day I got it… yip I am TOTALLY hooked.  I love having pretty nails that “stay pretty”.  Oh did I mention that in May they will do Gel Polish for only $15… what are you waiting for give them a call  208-454-9588.

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