Screen Time Certificates – Summer Plan For Kids #Hacks

Thanks to Holiday Haven for this guest post, loved this idea!

School is almost out in most places. That means SCREEN TIME or, so my kids think. But, I have gotten ‘crafty’ on them and made up these little redeemable coupons that they can earn.
I haven’t decided just yet what they will have to do to earn them. Chores? Probably. Reading? They like to read so I might just leave that as something they can do after they run out of certificates. A good dead? Definitely, I love to reward them for good works.
I do know I will only allow them to earn 2 hours worth each day, and they can save them up or use them one at a time. And because I have some smarties who might figure out to look at mom’s blog for these I think I will add the clause: ‘only good with mom’s signature on the back’. You are welcome to print these and use them for your household if you would like. I made them in 10, 15, and 20 minute increments to suit whatever works best for you.
To print: click on the photo to expand it then set your cursor over the photo and right click it and select print photo. Or once the photo is expanded click ‘file’ and ‘print’ from the menu at the top of your browser. If you have any trouble try adjusting things in ‘print preview’ or saving the file to your computer or paint program and printing from there. (If using Firefox, you may need to click once to expand them and then again to magnify before printing, they should print out as a full page). Enjoy!

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