Jack O’ Lantern Oranges – Healthy Halloween Treats

Jack O’ Lantern Oranges – Healthy Halloween Treats

Kids get way too much sugar, especially at Halloween, right?  While these oranges are still sweet, they are a healthier alternative to a candy bar!  With the cute jack o’ lantern faces,kids will be excited to grab one, and you can feel better knowing they made one healthier choice!

You will need

Mandarin oranges

black sharpie marker

As far as crafts, and food decorating goes, this is probably the easiest one you will ever do!  All you are going to do is draw a face on the top of your cup of mandarin oranges with your black sharpie. That is it!

This is also a great idea for a school Halloween party.  I know at my kids’ school they aren’t allowed to have anything homemade.  Kind of a bummer sometimes.  Not with these though!  You can still decorate them and make them cute so they are still festive for Halloween!  Why not let your child decorate the orange cups for their class party?  This could be some great craft time for you and your kiddos.

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