Jeans to Skirt How to- Look What I Made


Thanks to Saved By Naptime for passing along this thrifty tip with a step by step guide on how she turned an old pair of jeans into an adorable skirt.  She has inspired me to give this a try… and I am not a sewer.


I am always trying to come up with ways to use things in different ways.  We do not have recycling in our area and although it drives my husband crazy I have a constant pile of things that most people would throw out waiting for another life.    So going by the motto Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose…. I created this skirt tonight after doing the laundry and realizing that my son should not be wearing these jeans any longer.

My sons jeans, worn knees.  I could have made into shorts, but I think homemade jean shorts are a little dorky so I came up with something a little cuter.

1.) I cut the jeans to the length I wanted, then cut out the crotch along the seam already there.  You have to cut about an inch up also so that it will fold over nicely.

2.) after you cut the crotch lay it out flat
3.) use one of the extra legs that doesn’t have a hole to cut two extra pieces to patch in the empty triangle created in the front and back.
4.) I sew these on right under the existing seams with brown thread so the stitching is almost non-existent.

5.) From here you can serge or zigzag the edge and turn it up for a hem.  I like the frayed look so I stitched about an 1/8″ from the edge to stop the fray then threw it in the wash to get a good fray on the edge.  You can see the patch job on the triangle in the bottom of the picture.

6.) to add a fun edge cut a strip of fabric to the length needed.  I cut a 5″ strip longer than needed so I can add a few ruffles then fold it over, iron and serge the edge.

7.) after trimming the loose frays from the washing I pinned on the trim and stitched right along the same line I made the first time. Here is a pic of the outside and inside.

Thats it, a finished skirt!  It took a little under 20 minutes to construct (obviously wash time not included) and cost nothing since I had the extra fabric laying around. I used a second 5″ strip made into a belt to give it a fun look.

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