Keeping my fingers crossed for a huge sale


This is a photo of Maleeya from last years sale

Every year Albersons  and Fred Meyer seems to have a few really big sales……we just got done with the huge Quaker Promo at Albertsons, were most of us were able to score enough granola bars and oatmeal to feed out family’s for a year.  If you have been couponing a few years you know that this sale normally comes the first part of the year…..and we all look forward to it.

I can’t confirm anything, but I see a few  signs that are pointing towards the HUGE post cereal sale that comes every spring.  Remember last years sale?  My local store literally built a mountain of cereal in the front of the store and was happy to load your cart full of cereal.

Here are a few things that make me think a sale is on the way:

Post Cereals Catalina started for the dates of 2/26-3/21

  • Buy 4, get $3.00 back a catalina towards you next shopping trip
  • Buy 5 or more, get  back $4.00  catalina towards you next shopping trip

This Sundays Smart Source has two great Post coupons ( hope these come to our area)

  • $1/2 Post Cereal 10oz box+ (exp 4/11)
  • $1/2 Post Kids Cereal  (exp 4/11)
  • if they come to our area, may be a good week to buy a few extra papers for these coupons!

I looked at my blog post from the last two years the HUGE post sale was in March, so if history repeats itself, we should be in for a great sale.  In the past you have been able to get the cereal without coupons for around .75 cents a box….or with coupons and doubles FREE.  Who knows what this year will bring, But I am keeping my finger crossed for another great sale!

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