Update****Opps…. well even a thrifty mom makes mistakes …. Looks like the peelie coupons are on the 16 oz bottles NOT the 8oz which are on sale. So this deal does not work… sorry everyone .
If you are looking for a thrifty deal on Salad Dressing then I suggest to head to Albertsons. Starting today they have 8 oz Kraft Dressing on sale with instore coupon for only $.88 each! BUT at my local Caldwel stadium store they have huge displays of them all with peelie coupons for $.50 off. Stack these coupons and get a bottle for only $.38 each. Best part is all you have to do is show up, all the coupons you need for a thrifty deal will be waiting for you 🙂
I am not sure if all stores have these coupons or not? Have you seen them at your local store. Also a friendly reminder DO NOT take the peelie unless you are buying the product 🙂
To view the full Albertsons ad with coupon match ups click here.
Kraft Salad Dressing 8oz limit 6 $.88
Look for $.50 off peelie couponsor $1/2 Kraft Dressing 5/15/2011 RP Insert (exp 8/12/2011) I do not think this came localFinal price low as $.38 each
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