Mommy Moments

mommy moment

What is a  Mommy Moment, click here

This was week has been a bit emotional for my family.  With Matthews birthday I tend to reflect a little more on how far we have come, and the trials he has  had to bare.  It brings up a lot of emotions (good and bad) that I sometimes try to forget about.  I am grateful for all I have learned but sometimes, fear going through them again.

We also lost a dear family friend this week.  He was my neighbor growing up, (like an Uncle to me) and he unexpectedly passed away in his sleep, at the young age of 60.   I clipped his obituary out of the paper and had it sitting my on desk.  Little Maleeya my 3 year old saw it and asked me “Mommy who is that man”?  I told her that was mommy’s neighbor when I was little, and he was my friend.  I told her a few stories about him and told him what a good man he was, and that he had died and went to live with our Heavenly Father.  She picked up his picture and just looked at him for a long time.  She had lots of questions for me, and was really thinking about what we were talking about.

She was sitting in our window seat, would ask me a question…we would talk about about it for awhile.  Then she would just look outside for awhile. Then ask me another question.  She carried his picture around with her all afternoon, then several hours later put it back on my desk….and told me “Mommy that Man is with Jesus now”…. I smiled and said, Yes you are right.

Death is not always an easy or comfortable subject to discuss,  but it was a discussion I will always cherish with my little Maleeya.  I was touched by her concern and faith at the tender age of 3.

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