My Thrifty Albertsons Deal

Before sales and coupons this would have cost $53.34

I was able to get it all for $8.53

Plus I got back a $10.00 catalina coupon to use on my next trip


When I was doing the Albertsons Match ups this week I saw that the Ice Cream was only going to be .80 cents with coupons, so I called my store manager and told him to stock up.  I told him I would be in at the end of the week and I hoped to see a shelf full for Rocky road ….I was happy to see a well stocked store!  Have I told you how much I love my coupon friendly Albertsons!

My total came to $18.53 after all my coupons but I was then able to pay with my $10 catalina from the salad dressing I bought before.  Which brought my total down to $8.53, and after I paid another $10 catalina printed.
Bryers Ice Cream ( only $1.80 if you discount the $10 catalina)

  • use the $1.00 off coupon from the 5/17 red plum
  • Final price .80 cents each

General Mills Chex Snacks Mix ( only .90 cents if you discount the $10 catalina)

  • use the .50 cent off coupon from here or here
  • final price .40 cents each

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