My Thrifty Albertsons Deals

Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $52.96

I was able to get it all for $15.47

IMG_4482This was my first trip since we went on vacation.  Two weeks without shopping and I felt a little “rusty”.  I am down to only 2 jars of  Peanut butter in my pantry so I wanted to stock up,  $1.00 a jar is not the best deal on earth. Last year I was able to get it free and even a money maker, but $1 is still a good price.

Sale price ends tonight

  • Skippy Peanut $1.00 each with Manf. Coupon on back page of the ad
  • Corn 5 for $1.00
  • Green Beans $1.69 a lb
  • Cantaloupe $.38 a lb
  • I paid with a $2 survey reward coupon, and a $2.50 catalina
  • final price $15.47

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