Answer: First off let me say a buy one get one free is a promo the stores does. It works great because it gets you to buy 2 products instead on 1. If you think about it, you are really just getting 2 items 50% off. If the store marketed it that way most people would only by 1 item. But when it is buy one get one free, you buy 2. They store is able to move more product this way. You can use 2 manufacturer coupon on 2 items 50% off item with no problem. But for some reason you will find trouble when you try to use the same 2 coupons on a buy one get one free sale. Some store are much more coupon friendly that others. Click here to read a letter from Corporate Walgreens stating that yes you can use 2 coupons on a buy one get one free deal. It is a good idea to print this letter and keep it with you. Thanks to Moms by Heart for this letter!
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