Q&A- Why aren’t you shopping & Budget Review

Question: Dear A Thrifty Mom, why have you not been coupon shopping?  I look forward to your shipping trips as they help me plan for my own personal shopping trips, but the last few weeks you have not been listing them as much. Are you not shopping or just not posting them on the site.  Should I be taking a break too, I do not want my coupons to go to waste,  thank you for your help.

Answer: Well I did go to the store once this week and posted that shopping trip to Albertsons in two posts (one on Monday and one on Tuesday).  I did not post a budget review as week, since I only went to the store once and did not use any coupons…. I was just going to list it with this weeks shopping trips (and do a 2 week budget review).  I made one trip to WinCo last week and just picked up some things I needed.  The store was crazy busy with holiday shoppers and I just wanted to get in and out.

Please know that I am just as excited about couponing as always….BUT I also do not want to fight the holiday crowds to get a free tube of toothpaste (when I have 5 on the shelf at home).  I have often said that couponing is part of my life, NOT my life.  It is so easy to get so involved in the sales that you miss out on other things.  This is one of the most stressful and busy times of year for me, just trying to get everything done.  So I am happy to say that my “stockpile” helps take the stress of running to the store away. Instead I can just “shop from my pantry”.

If you need items, and there is a good sale then by all means run out and coupon till your little hearts content.  BUT if you are feeling guilty about missing the deals… but do not really “need” those items, and you just do not want to miss a sale.  Remind yourself that another sale will always come.  But  this years memories can only be made once…. one of the best gifts you can give your family is the gift of TIME. And sometimes missing a few sales allows me a little more time with my family.

Total Spent last week 11/27-12/3

Winco $26.19

Bountiful Basket $16.50

Final price = $42.69


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