Recipe – Apricot Pineapple Jam #ApricotJam

I posted this recipe back in 2010…. I made it again this year so I decided I would post the recipe in case you were looking for a good way to use your apricots.  Plus my photo skill have gotten much better over the years lol. Hope you enjoy this jam as much as my family does!

My Grandma use to make an Apricot Pineapple jam so I thought I would give it a try.

Apricot-Pineapple Jam

Makes 9 (1-cup) jars

  • 5 cups prepared fruit (about 2-1/2 lb. fully ripe apricots)
  • 1 can (15-1/4 oz.) crushed pineapple in syrup
  • 1/3 cup chopped maraschino cherries (optional I do not add them)
  • 6 cups sugar
  • 1 box fruit pectin (such as Sure-Jell)

Boil jars on rack in large pot filled with water 10 minutes. Place flat lids in saucepan with water. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Let jars and lids stand in hot water until ready to fill. Drain well before filling.
Pit apricots; do not peel. Cut in small pieces and finely chop or grid. Add pineapple and syrup. Measure 5 cups apricotes, can of pineapple into 6- or 8-qt. saucepot. Add cherries. Measure sugar and set aside.

Mix fruit pectin into fruit in saucepot. Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes to a full boil. Immediately add sugar and stir. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon.

Ladle quickly into prepared jars, filling to within 1/8-inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids. Screw bands tightly. Invert jars for 5 minutes, then turn upright. After 1 hour check seals.

Apricots washed and pitted

I am not to big on “chunky jam” so we whipped ours.  Maleeya helped me…aren’t her tiny little hands cute.

Pineapple, Apricots and Pectin, mixed then added to the pot

Stirring and waiting to come to a boil

Started to boil so I added the sugar

Came back to a boil, cooked another minute… it is done cooking

I have my jars and lids HOT and ready to be filled

It is hot so watch out… Fill jars within 1/8 in of top (I should have filled mine up a little more)

With a hot wet rag wipe the edged clean, if there is any jam on the side it may make it NOT seal.

Screw your lids on firmly.

Turn them upside down, for 5 mins

Mckeely was not too sure about this part…she thought I crazy for turning them on their heads. “Mom, what are you doing?”

Turn them right side up, after they have cooled check to see if the have sealed…. all of mine did!!!! Yeah!  If they are sealed they will not make a popping noise anymore.

5 thoughts on “Recipe – Apricot Pineapple Jam #ApricotJam”

  1. eaglecrestprimary

    This is a GREAT recipe!  Definitely use the cherries! They make the jam a gorgeous color an enhance the flavor 100%!  Don’t leave them out!  Just chop them really fine or puree them with the apricots.

  2. Its been my experience that the inversion method works just fine for short term (under 6 months) after that the lids start to lose their seal. Longer term needs water bath method.

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