Just $59.77. That is 70% off! (prices change often)
If you love riding your bike and hate to have to give it up in the winter this is a great thing to have! Keep doing what you love and never have to leave your house to do it. This is great for someone training, or even those of us who just want to stay active despite the cold.
State of the art technology: As soon as you begin to pedal, the ultra QUIET internal magnet creates resistance. You can easily increase the resistance by shifting the gears on your bike!
Extremely Portable: The MAG Trainer is extremely light and it can be folded down like an ironing board for travel and storage
Maximum Stability, one of the most robust and sturdy stands on the market. Extra wide legs and a sturdy frame makes this the trainer the pros choose
Extra Durable, features the finest materials and proven reliability. We stand behind every product we sell and back it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee
Turn your bike into an indoor exercise bike, easy set-up and quiet operation, riser block NOT included.
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