Right Guard deal at Walgreens




Thanks to CouponChic for passing this deal along

I went to THREE different Walgreens today.  The right guard pictured (it’s the invisible–not the gel)…is ringing up at $2.99 and still producing the $5 cat.  I know that there’s been discussion on the forums about the misprint in the ad….the gel is NOT giving the cat..just the one pictured.  (2.6 oz)  It worked at all my stores here.  You should check out your area and see if it’s working there. My sister still have the free coupon from the Apprentice website and I was able to use the $1.00 coupons,  awesome deal!

Thanks to Karalina for this info,
The ad has a picture with Right Guard Professional strength and Right Guard Extreme Dry.  ACCORDING TO MY BROTHER, the Extreme Dry is NOT part of the deal.  However, he bought one of the Professional strength ones (deal is $5.99 and earn a $5 Register Reward, making it $.99) and when he got home and opened the box there was a $2 coupon on the inside of the box!  So, he went back and it was a $1 money maker.  I have not checked his information, but I thought I would share it.  Maybe you’ve had other feedback on this product?

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