Thanksgiving Pie~ Paper Plate Craft

Thanksgiving pie paper plate craft, #Thanksgiving, #pie, #thankful, #paperplatecraft, #kidscraft, #easycraft


Thanksgiving Pie~ Paper Plate Craft

Here is a cute way for your kids to think about, and share what they are thankful for.  Would be a cute craft for them to put together as they wait for the yummy Thanksgiving feast get to ready!

You will need:

3 paper plates

brown paper

orange paper

1 brad (to hold the plates together)


something to write with

Begin by cutting a large circle out of your brown paper.  I simply traced my plate on the back of my paper.  Cut the middle out of a  paper plate to create a template for the filling of your pie.  Take your template and trace a circle to cut out of the brown paper.  You should end up with a big letter o.  Glue that down well to one of your paper plates.

Using your template you made from the extra paper plate, trace a circle and cut it out of the orange paper.  Glue it on top of the brown.  This will be your pie filling.

Take your last paper plate and have your child write what they are thankful for.  Leave a little space between.  May be a good idea if your kids are young to take a ruler and draw lines for each “slice” so they know where to write.  Also have them write “I am thankful for” on top of the pie.

When they are done writing what they are thankful for, help them poke a hole through the CENTER of both paper plates.  If it isn’t directly in the center it will not rotate correctly.  Now cut out a slice from the top plate only.  Make sure you don’t cut too far and go through your hole you made in the center. Now simply line them up and secure your brad through both of them.

Easy peasy!  My kids loved making these and I loved hearing what they were thankful for.

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