Each day we will be posting our readers “Thrifty Cleaning and Organization Tips”.  At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card For all the details click here.

Advice from my grandma (and there is plenty of it) was to spray my shower doors with Rain X (you know, the stuff you spray on your car windshield to help during rain storms?) to prevent water stains. It really works and nothing but nothing sticks to my glass doors. I have to wash them much less often now.
Baking soda is awesome for cleaning tons of things – great on stovetops or anything greasy and I love the fact that it is safe for the kids.
The best advice I have ever got was make a schedule and stick to it. Example Monday: Mop floors; Tuesday: Vacuum; Wednesday: dust and so on. If I stick to my list my cleaning doesn’t pile up on me.
Baskets, baskets, baskets. We have 2 very active boys. I’ve found that one of the best ways to organize many of their things is the baskets that have nice sized holes for ventilation. All of their swim trunks have a designated basket. All of their baseball pants, t-shirts, and socks have a basket to call home. All those slippery clothes refuse to stay nicely folded. Pop them in a basket and they are easy for the little guys to find just what they’re looking for.
Jennifer Rawles
With boys in the house our towels tend to get stinky!! I can wash and wash them but they stink. So I will through “clean towels” in the washer with all purpose ammonia. Wash as normal and you will get clean fresh towels. The ammonia takes the oil from your skin out which regular detergent can not do.
My Hubby had been asking me to go to WalMart Auto Center to get the headlights restored for $40. We thought that was a thrifty deal, compared to replacing them for $80 each. I went in a few times, but the line was over 2 hours long and I just could never spare the time to get the job done. Fast forward a few months and I’m detailing the car before a road trip. Since a recent sale at Walgreens on Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, they quickly became my favorite cleaning tool. I was using my favorite new tool to get the grime off the door jambs of the car. The project was done and we were standing back admiring our “New” car. I had the Magic Eraser in my hand and asked my hubby about getting those headlights restored. I asked him again how they do it. He said they use a fine abrasive cream to sand down the surface and then polish them with a lotion. Hmmm…I took that damp little Magic Eraser to the surface of the headlights (they are plastic, mind you) and rubbed. It was worth a try–they couldn’t get any worse. Wouldn’t you know, it worked! They looked clearer. Even after they dried. Now, I just needed a “lotion”. I read recently of the thousand uses for WD-40. So, I sprayed them with a little WD-40 and polished them up. We took the car for a drive, and couldn’t believe what a difference it made, even in the rain when the wet ground seems to absorb the light. After a few weeks and a 1,200 mile road trip, they look great. So, my thrifty little cleaning tip: A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and a few squirts of WD-40 and I have refurbished headlights for just $0.35 compared to WalMart’s $40 and 2-hour job! Now, THAT’s a Thrifty Deal!



Keep your  Thrifty Cleaning and Organization Tips coming!!!

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