Our Peaceful Home sent us this wonder tips on keeping toddlers busy:
This summer has been challenging one for me when it comes to parenting. I have a 23 month old very active little boy and a 2 ½ month old precious baby girl. My little boy is all over the place. He is your typical, active toddler boy; he’s always got to be doing something. I would love to let him run around outside all the time, but the problem is that it has been much too hot this summer! I have put together a short list of things for a tight budget that help me keep my toddler busy when it’s too hot (or too cold) to go outside.
Library Story Time – Many public libraries have awesome toddler story times!
Bowls, Measuring cups, and hard pasta, rice, or beans – Put some dry food in a large bowl and give you kiddo a measuring cup or big spoons.
Make a Fort – What kid doesn’t like a fort? Take books inside and a flash light and have reading time. Put a couple of sheets over your kitchen table to make it easy.
A Cookie Sheet and chocolate pudding – they can smear until their heart is content (and eat it too)
Playdough – I give him plastic utensils so he can cut. Just make sure your little one doesn’t eat it.
Take the Pillows off the couch, make a big pile and jump into them or position them around the room and hop to them.
Give your little one a rag and let them clean with you while you dust.
Be a family band – make some maracas out of beans in a plastic bottle and drums out of pots or plastic storage containers
Bath Tub fun! Take a bath and have playtime too!
Playing cards – place them all over the floor and have your toddler pick them up, or help him learn to count and see if he can find a number that you pick out.
I hope these ideas help you as much as they have helped our family to encourage fun play time with a busy toddler. Please leave a comment if you have any other great ideas to share!
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