Walmart Shopping Trip – $40.02 Worth Of Merchandise For $29.35

walmart 10-27

See Tonya’s Walmart stock up trip.

She doesn’t have any stores that double coupons.
She saves money by price matching & using coupons. She does not shop like a
‘normal shopper’,  since her freezers & pantry are both well stocked.
This allows her to only shop for items on sale, fresh produce & fresh dairy on a weekly basis.
Her grocery/stock up budget is $60 per week.  Any money left over is saved for the following week or used to buy produce from the Farmer’s Market.
Tonya will be using vegetables & fruit that she home canned & froze during the summer.
She has a fall garden started with lettuces, broccoli, carrots & spinach.

Today’s trip would have been $40.02 but only cost her $29.35 plus tax after coupons & price matching.

She saved $10.49.

Please note that not all items will be used in 1 week.  The items with ‘S’ beside them will stocked for future use.

PM – Price Match
S – Item will be stocked
D – Donation

  • (4) Barilla pasta – PM to $0.79 ea. (reg. price $1.28 ea.)  S/4
  • (6) Cream of Mushroom/Chicken soup (reg. price $0.75 ea.)  S/6
    • Used (2) $40/3 Campbell’s
  • (6) Libby’s vegetables – PM to $0.54 ea. (reg. price $0.82 ea.)  S/6
  • (2) Red Baron pizza – PM to $2.09 ea. (reg. price $3.88 ea.)  S/2
  • (2) Bailey’s Red Velvet Cupcake creamer 16 oz. – PM to $1.29 ea. (reg. price $1.88 ea.)
  • (3) Coke 2 lt. – PM to $0.99 ea. (reg. price $1.00 ea.)  S/1
  • Great Value bread – $1.28
  • 1 doz. eggs – $1.88
  • International Delights creamer – $3.18
  • Equate Laxatives – $1.98

6 thoughts on “Walmart Shopping Trip – $40.02 Worth Of Merchandise For $29.35”

  1. A Thrifty Mom

    Wouldn’t we all?? A little later this morning, there will be a coupon coming out to save $2 on fruit wyb cereal & tomorrow a coupon will be coming out for Butterball deli meat. I haven’t found one for legumes yet, but if I do, I will let you know. 🙂

  2. I love my coupons, but when they show on TV how much they get ahhh. The supermarkets in my area do not double coupons. So I go with the BOGO also looking for a store coupon to match an the sales. I feel real good when I save over 50% on any order. Right now I have no stock pile, family was hee for awhile an was glad I had it then casue it really came in handy. So now I have to build one again, slowely but surley I will get there. I love the site that give you all this information an help,yes you go girl.

  3. A Thrifty Mom

    I suggest calling Corporate Walmart. Sometimes they can straighten out these kind of misunderstandings.

  4. Kim Jennings

    my walmart told me that I can’t pricematch on an item and still use a coupon on it.

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