What to do with rebates

There seems to always be a rebate out there to get. A lot of us are scared to even buy the items fearing all of the paper work. It really isn’t that difficult. Simply set aside a folder and keep all of your copies, and rebate paperwork there in one spot.

Write the dates of when you processed the rebates or sent it in. Along with approximate dates of return. Don’t forget include the name of the rebate and or product.

One of our readers sent us this great tip:

“One of my friends has been doing rebates in each of her children names and when the checks arrive they take them to the bank and put those dollars in their individual savings accounts for college or other possible major expenses later. Some rebates are limited to one per household but those that allow more she does this especially for her older kids who have extra expenses related to middle and high school. Helps teach them about couponing and saving early.”

What a great tip. Remember to always follow the instructions to rebates. If it says one per household, then let’s all be honest and follow instructions, so we can all continue to save, and make money couponing. Thanks Lorna, I will have to do this for my kids too.

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