Why I Love “Old People” yard sales

Yes that is right I LOVE “OLD PEOPLE” yard sales!

I do not go to very many yard sales but the ones that really catch my eye are the ones with cute little old ladies sitting out front in their canvas fold down lawn chairs (that you know they have had since the 1960’s).  I try not to bring home things unless I really like it to decorate with, or if it has a purpose or a use in my home. Otherwise I end up bringing home a truck load of “good deals” that equal clutter in my home.

So why do I like “Old People” yard sales?  First off I have found some amazing antiques and decor items over the years.  Totally unique from anything you would pick up off the shelf at your local home decor shop.  Sure you have to look past a lot of things that are NOT a good fit for your home, but once you find that hidden gem it makes it all worth it.

Second ~ the prices are often RIGHT OUT OF THE 1960’s!  Call me silly but I giggle inside every time I see a price tag for a nickle.  What can a nickle buy you these days, not much! But at the right sale it can buy you all sorts of fun stuff!  My favorite find was a whole box of antique Christmas ornaments for $.05 each!  The photo above shows a new stack of bread pans and 5  used pie tins. Both marked for only $.05 each, makes them a whopping $.01 each! I can handle that, just in time for baking pies and bread this fall.

Yard sale season is now over in Idaho as the cold winter weather has moved in.  But you can bet next season I will have my “thrifty glasses” on looking for all those cute little old ladies selling their treasures!

I got this chair for $3 and repainted it for fun pop of color on my front step.

Do you yard sale?  What is the best “thrifty deal” you have found?


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