Happy Fathers Day

I had a wonderful day celebrating Fathers day.  I have been so blessed to have a wonderful Dad.  My Dad is so special to me, he is really quite and a man of very few words.  He has been a wonderful example to me of how to work hard and do the best job you can.  It makes me sad to see him work so hard to provide for his family, but proud at the same time.  When I was little I loved working in the field with him, or playing in the barn while he milked the cows.  He never really said much but he always made me feel special, and told me I was a good little helper.  He loved to take us to the mountains and helped me learn to enjoy the  beauty in nature.  I love you Daddy, thanks for loving me and being a huge part of my life!

IMG_1291I also want to tell Matt Happy Fathers day.  He is such a good Daddy to our three kids, and they adore him!  Matt is so good about giving them one on one attention and letting them know how special they are.  My girls are totally Daddy’s girls, and won’t go to sleep till Matt sings them twinkle twinkle little star.  I feel so blessed to have a husband who loves being a Dad and adores our kids.  Happy Fathers Day Matt, I love you!

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