Thanks to Living A Frugal Life for passing along this recipe for spaghetti sauce. If you are looking for healthy and chunky sauce then you need to try this one out!
1 LB of Ground Turkey
1 Onion Chopped
1/2 Large Red Bell Pepper Chopped
1 can of Tomato soup
1 small can of Tomato Paste + 1 can of water
1 small can of tomato sauce
2 T Italian seasoning
1T Garlic Salt1. Cook Turkey until done.
2. add chopped veggies and cook until soft
3. add cans of tomato soup, paste + water, and sauce
4. add seasoning and stir until completely combined. (change amounts of spices to taste)
5. bring to low boil and boil for 5-10 min or until flavors combine.
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