My little artist ~ Mommy Moments

Just thought I would share one of the MANY “art projects” I got to clean up this week thanks to a very busy 2 year old.  Amazing what he can do in about 60 seconds.

My oldest son will be turning 11 in a few months and this has really made me reflect on HOW FAST the time has gone by. It makes me sad to know that my kids are only little for a short time.  Before I know it they will be off on their own.  That being said, the daily task of cleaning up after little ones can be exhausting, irritating  and seems to never end some days.  I do look forward to the day that I am not wiping peanut butter off the mirror…. but I sure will miss kissing those sweet baby cheeks as I wipe it off his little face.

 What is a  Mommy Moment, click here

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